Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hello & Jindabyne

Dear Friends and loyal Readers,

It’s been far too long since our last communication, as my life, and I’m sure yours, just hurtled along.

Since my last grand unforgettable 2007 tour of New Zealand and Australia, I have retreated into the bear cave, to write the next book, that’s become imminently due. The writer’s life during those brief moments we see each other seems so exciting—I’m well-dressed, made-up, you, too, are all beautiful and bejeweled; we eat good food, we have microphones, so our voices are amplified, we connect, we laugh, we sign books with fountain pens and take fuzzy pictures that sharpen our memories of those few happy minutes. You may hear my voice on the radio, occasionally see me on TV. I love meeting you, talking to you, seeing your faces, your smiles. I love hearing you say inexhaustibly wonderful things about my books.

But the reality of my life, the other thousand days between tours, is me in one room, with myself and my track pants and hoodies, sitting, sitting, sitting in front the blank screen, in a room full of windows on which the shades are drawn to keep out the sunshine. I sit and I think and I feel and I try to put on the screen all the things I feel in my heart.

Daily I used to go for a walk or a bike ride. But this summer, ridiculously enough, I sprained my foot while playing badminton (this is the only way my husband could beat me) and couldn’t walk and couldn’t ride, I could just sit. And no sooner had the foot healed that I fell from a chair onto a can of paint and split my knee open (ouch!) and after an extraordinary number of stitches, and a Frankenstein-like injury, I sat out the rest of the sunny days in my office, lamenting, imagining, writing. Oh, and occasionally playing my brand new spanking glorious Grotrian Concertino. What a piano. I don’t deserve it.

Still, the writer’s life is a lonely life, a life of solitude, and internal rumblings, and silence. It’s decidedly un-glam.

But on the plus side, soon there will be another book! And after that one, another one, close on its heels. The one I’m writing at the moment is about Larissa Stark, a wife, a mother, a theater director, a woman beautiful and successful in every way, except for the slight open spaces in the corners of her soul, the spaces into which she allows a passion for another man to flow in, and this is the love affair that changes her life and the life of everybody around her. It’s about love and its consequences, about children and their consequences, about life and its consequences.

This novel is due to be published in New Zealand and Australia in the Fall of 2009. I’m getting very close to the last act, and now I really need your help.

I want to set the last part of my book in Jindabyne, Australia. Having been only on the coasts, east and west, and a little inland in Canberra, I could use a little help about some local color for that region. After you read Road to Paradise, so many of you wrote to tell me of Broken Hill, Australia. I’m looking for more of that here, but now before publication, so it can augment my book.

Can you help?

JINDABYNE. Has anyone grown up there? What was that like?

What defines the area? What’s beautiful about it? What’s ugly about it? Do the people who live there want to stay or want to go? Is there something mystical about the region? Has anyone come into contact with any poisonous animals?

Any small vignettes of specific impressions: food customs, annual fairs, places to eat, book shops, things to do, special drinks, would be unbelievably welcome. I’m looking for things about all the six senses of Jindabyne. What does it look like? What sounds does it make? What does it smell like? What food and drink is popular there? What do the trees, the grasses, the flowers feel like? And what is it like to live there, to visit there, to be there?

As a small sign of my gratitude, perhaps I can do what we did for the Summer Garden. I will put all the names of those who wrote in with a Jindabyne story into a hat, pull five names out, and send you an autographed copy of the new book before publication. So if you can help, please email me at paullinasimons@aol.com and please don’t forget to write Jindabyne as the Subject of the email.

And in the future, watch this space, because I’m going to come back to it, and keep in touch with you here.

One thing I’d like to mention…the screenplay. Or should I say, THE SCREENPLAY. I feel like I’m letting everyone down, Tania and Shura most of all. The truth is, once again, it’s become impossible to do other work while I’m living in Kai and Larissa’s world. The Grand Canyon was carved faster that this dang Bronze Horseman screenplay. I hope to resume my full-throttled efforts on it as soon as I deliver my book manuscript to my editor.

In the meantime, thank you again for your support in the past, and in advance for your help in the future, and most of all, for all the words of joy and encouragement you’ve given me. You have blessed me more than you’ll ever know.


Blogger Alienmom said...

Hi Paullina! Love the blog! We corresponded years ago, I wrote to you about how much the Bronze Horseman changed my life....a few years later Tully changed it too! And my son Alexander was born about the same time as your daughter, Tatiana.
Anyway, it's good to know that you're still writing, and more books to look forward to. I just wish they were published first in the US, since we've now moved here to NJ. Still, nothing wrong with ordering from Australia...I guess.
Talking of which, I can't help with Jindabyne, I'm afraid....never having been down under....
A big question - are you planning any more about Lily and Spencer? I LOVED them and you DID leave them in a bit of a cliffhanger, on 9/11/2001....
Sarah x

September 17, 2008 at 5:49 PM  
Blogger Marg said...

Welcome to blogging Paullina!

Can't wait to read your future entries!

September 17, 2008 at 6:33 PM  
Blogger Dain said...

Hi Paullina! It's great to read something from you!
I still can't read other books than yours!

xx Dain

September 18, 2008 at 3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog, Paullina! Thank you for such a personal and informative update on your life and your writing. I'm with Sarah, wishing your new books were being published here. Sadly I can't contribute anything on Jindabyne (unless making stuff up can count *G*) but if you ever want to know about Pasadena, I'm your girl. ;)
Hugs, *Kris*

September 18, 2008 at 6:34 AM  
Blogger Jenster said...

Hi Paullina! I just started my adventure with you - I'm half way through The Bronze Horseman (thanks in large part to Zeek and Marg)and am completely entranced. I'm one of the lucky ones because I still have so many books to read!

September 18, 2008 at 12:05 PM  
Blogger KT Grant said...

Welcome Paullina! So happy to see your blogging. You probably hear this a lot but The Brinze Horseman is one of my favorite books of all time. And the only one I read for 8 straight hours without taking a break! :D

September 18, 2008 at 12:27 PM  
Blogger Sabby said...

Hi Paullina- this blog is so exciting! Thank you for sharing a bit about your new book; we can't wait to read it! As for Jindabyne, I've never heard of it, and that is embarassing being an Aussie! Anyway, good luck in getting the information you need, and looking forward to more posts from you.

September 18, 2008 at 11:10 PM  
Blogger katiekins said...

Paullina, this Blog probably just made my week and has also reminded that another re-read of TBH trilogy is long overdue!
Major excited about the new book, and THE SCREENPLAY. Look forward to the future posts!
Katie xx

September 19, 2008 at 3:36 AM  
Blogger Noni said...

hi Paullina.
Great to read your blog.
While i have been to Jindabyne, it was when i was much younger!
but i do know some people who are from there/have been there, including my dad, so i'll get some information to pass onto you!
Lots of Love

September 19, 2008 at 8:44 AM  
Blogger lizzy said...

Hi Paullina,It's great to send you a message about how much l loved The Bronze Horseman WOW !!!!
nothing l have read has compared to this book. l also loved The summer Garden my daughter loves the oat choc fudge cookies yummy...
l know you are busy writing your new books(can't wait) but we Melbourne Girls can not wait for The SCREENPLAY . Lizzy x

September 20, 2008 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger christine said...

What a great blog Paullina! I am very excited i can "talk" to you! The best love story i've ever read is the Bronze Horseman, thank you so much... . I live in Greece and as you may know you have huge fans here. As for the Jindabyne, unfortunately i have no idea but if you ever decide to write something for Greece i would be very happy to help you :))

September 24, 2008 at 2:17 PM  
Blogger meghan. said...

Hi Paullina! just wanted to tell you that you have completely spoiled me from reading other books :) and thank god for that because the bronze horseman is truly the most amazing book I've ever read - so thank you for creating it :)
I'm desperate for it to be made into a movie so that everyone will fall in love with Alexander and Tatiana just as i have.
you're my favourite author and have inspired me to begin writing myself.
I'm from Melbourne, Australia and was so disappointed as i just missed out on your visit to Frankston :( so hopefully there will be a next time.
I'm so sorry that i can offer only very little in the way of Jindabyne, aside from the fact that the year 12's at my school (I'm in year 11) are currently studying a movie of the same name (directed by Ray Lawrence).. so watching that may be of help...? and that Paul Kelly wrote a song called 'everything's turning to white' which is based on the factual events of this movie. I'm not sure if this will offer you anything of use, but there you have it :)
lots of love,
Meghan x

September 24, 2008 at 11:21 PM  
Blogger Alienmom said...

So everyone is thinking about a movie of "The Bronze Horseman".....hmm, I've been casting it in my mind for years, I'm thinking Ben Affleck is Alexander (slimmed down a bit - picture him as he was in "Armageddon"), and the GORGEOUS Scarlett Johansson is Tatiana. What do other people think? Trouble is, it's so personal....

September 25, 2008 at 9:51 AM  
Blogger DARKinside said...

Hi paullina congratulations for your blog...it's wonderful! so, i'm curious to know when the screenplay will be due and some exact information about it and about the future movie..thank you for all the emotions that you give me (in particular way the bronze horseman)...i'm just waiting for yor next post :) !! with love...

September 25, 2008 at 10:57 AM  
Blogger Kristin Anderson said...

Hey Paullina, it's great to see you on a blog (much easier for my scattered mind to follow)

I have passed on your questions about Jindabyne so hopefully you might get some help. Great Aussie movie about it (same name obviously) couldn't hurt to try and get your hands on that for research purposes.

I am waiting, waiting, waiting patiently to meet Larissa Stark hope she has twins :P Perhaps we could have the first chapter for Xmas???

Hope to see you on here again soon. Best Wishes to the family as always.

Regards to Mel.


PS I joined your appreciation society on Facebook and there are some pictures on there of the Literary Lunch? When you joining mine?

September 29, 2008 at 5:03 AM  
Blogger Veronica said...

Hi Paullina

I'm devastated to find out that you toured New Zealand last year as I have only just recently discovered TBH series. I love Tania and Shura. Fantastic blog and I can't wait to catch up with all of your other works. Wish I could tell you something about Jindabyne maybe next you'll have something set in New Zealand.

Lovia x

September 29, 2008 at 7:07 PM  
Blogger p o p u l a r said...

Sorry about using the caps lock on that, but I just really wanted to show how excited I am.
I wish I had more info on Jindy, but I have just recently moved to Cooma - which is about an hour from Jindy. I could maybe email you a map if you like? My bf's a cartographer for Snowy.
Let me know - my email is ciara.abella@live.com

Just finishing Summer Garden and deciding whether to read backwards to Bronze Horseman, or read The Girl In Times Square...

October 1, 2008 at 12:45 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

I'd also like to welcome you to blogging, and am also very excited to read the news of a new novel.

Sadly all I know about Jindabyne is the movie of the same name, which we've been studying in my Film classes for a short time now. It was a very good film. However my knowledge on the location is practically non-existent.

October 18, 2008 at 2:46 AM  
Blogger Pau said...

I'm very excited about this, I can not believe it.
I love your books, it is very difficult for my to find them.
Even in USA.
Im a big fan, and ill wait every second to see the screenplay finish. Please please dont stop writing.
only dream of seeing the Bronze Horseman on my movie teather.

Saludos desde Latinoamerica.

November 8, 2008 at 10:05 PM  
Blogger karolina said...

“Things that you read, that you love change who you are – you become somebody else by reading tham.” – That`s Your words.
After reading “Bronse Horsmen” and its second and third part I feel the same. I`m not sure I understood what You meant, but I would like to say that, since 3 months (3 months ago I got “BH”) there was no day I would not thinking about war, ZSRR, PRL.
I`m from Poland, so the World War II is still taking over in TV, school, study... 15 years ago I have read many books about that time, “Medaliony” Z. Nałkowska, “Rozmowy z katem” by Moczarski, “Inny świat” G.Herling-Grudziński, „Dymy nad Birkenau” S. Szmaglewska and all of them shocked me. Your trilogy made something more with me, because besides the facts there were emotions. Thanks to You, I interested in Leningrad and its history, in Katyń, Stalin, in Polish history after war. I am so afraid that bad time can come again, especially now, when we can see Putin coming back to some of soviet practices.

Dziękuję za te książki.Są dla mnie bardzo cenne.
Pozdrawiam ciepło :)

November 17, 2008 at 5:56 PM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Hi Paullina, I've been a fan of your work since I met Tully about 12 years ago. I cannot wait to meet your new characters and share in their lives.

Jindabyne... it's been many, many years since I've been and I'm sure you are after much more information than I can provide - and you probably needed it earlier. It's (from memory) a small country town. Obviously it gets pretty busy in the winter as its one of the only areas to receive snow in Aus. I remember the people being very friendly and accommodating, the air fresher and cleaner than I've ever been subjected to and the scenery a beautiful canvas of greens, blues and misty greys.

I was there in the winter but I believe in summer the fishing's pretty good. Jindabyne lake is just amazing with lots of local fauna and great campsites.

All the best

November 19, 2008 at 10:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Paullina,
thank you so much for your block news. I am also such a big fan of your writing. I'm german but living in Australia, moved to Noosa and was disapointet to have missed you there a couple of years ago and could not come to Brisbane last year.
To Jindabyne - if i am not mistaken, there is a australian film about that town out or better it play's there - the story is fictional as well but at least you could get a good look at the suroundings, hm? Hope to have helped you. Just rewreat Girl in Times Square, could not go passt rewreading Red leaves (for about the 15. time) and onto Tully now - I just love your Books - you are the best by far!!!! :-)Can't wait for the new Book and the next one after!
Lots of Love, Beate

December 5, 2008 at 11:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Paullina!
I definitely agree with Karolina...that the books that you read change the person that you are. I can't put TBH series down...you've definitely ruined every other one of the thousand books on my book shelf, as this is by far the best I own.

I must say I was impressed at the depth of your knowledge in regards to WWII. You portrayed all the emotions involved in war, the insanity, the horror and all the morals involved in war. I'm at uni studying a science degree with a peace and conflict studies degree, so I'm quite interested in the field.

Can't wait for THE SCREENPLAY...how much longer???
Lots of love and thanks

December 12, 2008 at 10:27 AM  
Blogger DARKinside said...

hey paullina....where are you? some news about the screenplay? please i can't wait.... :)

December 13, 2008 at 5:27 AM  
Blogger Millie Bro said...

Hey Paullina!!
Im 15 from Australia, and a great fan of your books :) Sorry but i cant help with Jindabyne.

Just halfway through Bridge to the Holy Cross, a fantastic read. The Bronze Horseman, is my favourite book of all time which moved me greatly.

I look forward to continued reading of your books, but also the production of the Bronze Horseman screenplay! this would be so exciting, i find myself even thinking about songs that would suit a soundtrack for the movie, i hope it will happen soon!

Thankyou so much for sharing your talent with the world!
Millie xxx

December 16, 2008 at 5:36 AM  
Blogger Courtney S said...

I just happened onto the Bronze Horseman in my library, and I know I will have to buy it now, because I want to read it over and over. I was so excited to see that there is more! I can't wait to read what happens to Tatiana and Alexander next! I knew they couldn't be separated permanently. When I read the ending to the Bronze Horseman, I just had to believe in my heart that Alexander would find a way back to her!

January 7, 2009 at 12:28 AM  
Blogger Kerry Croke said...

I am finding it difficult to write even a blog to such a great writer, who has stopped me in my tracks with the love between Tatiana and Alexander. I just hope that when it goes to the big screen they dont chop it to bits. I have been reading parts of all three books to my husband and I know both of us will look forward to watching their action packed lives. As for Jindabyne I have been there some years ago in the winter. The air is clean and crisp and the people down to earth and friendly. My friends and I stopped into a small group of shops every afternoon and had the most wonderful hot chocolate. I dont recall all the details but remember the peace and the calm.
Brisbane Australia

January 8, 2009 at 7:14 AM  
Blogger Jodie said...

Hi Paullina! I am sooo glad that you have to decided to blog! I love to know what you are up to with all of your writing and what to look forward too.. I am REALLY looking forward to you next book which is due out this year!

I live in Canberra and I went to Jindabyne on a school excersion when I was in high school - many moons ago lol! It is a little town near the snowy mountains. There are lot of ski lodges there. It is a tourist town. It has a huge lake and in the summer a lot of keen fishermen go there to try and catch fish.

I actually went to high school with the girl that directed the film 'Somersault' Cate Shortland. The film starred Abbie Cornish.
Here is a link to that gives you a little bit of background to the movie. I may be of some help... http://australianscreen.com.au/titles/somersault/

Can't wait for the new book. In the mean time, I may have to re-read the Bronze Horseman (my all time favourite book) :)

January 19, 2009 at 12:39 AM  
Blogger Jodie said...

sorry the link didn't work - try again..


January 19, 2009 at 12:42 AM  
Blogger Jodie said...


January 19, 2009 at 12:43 AM  
Blogger Maddy said...

Hi Paullina,
I was wondering if there are any plans to make the Bronze Horseman and Bridge to Holy Cross into a film or tv show? It is such an amazing story, so heartrenching and uplifting. It would make a wonderful mini-series, so that you could then fit the whole story in!
Maddy xo

January 22, 2009 at 10:41 PM  
Blogger BB said...

Hello Paullina - am I allowed to say I have never read your books? *ducks for cover*.

I am an Aussie and noticed your link on another Aussie blogger's sidebar. If I ever get time, I may be able to get to and read some of your writing... looks intriguing!

I might be able to help with Aussie colour in your novels - perhaps not Jindabyne so much (although I have been there!). Come for a visit when you get time!

Cheers from Down Under

Bush Babe

February 10, 2009 at 3:18 AM  
Blogger Taty said...

Hi Paullina!!!!!! I'm Taty..... One of your Italian fans...... ;) In Italy we love and we can only read The Bronze Horseman, Tatiana and Alexander and the Summer Garden..... Well I love these Books..... I love Shura, Tania, 2 unforgettable characters...... They have changed my life in a great way..... You are my favourite writer and I'm trying to read Tatiana and Aexander on English it's Hard but i can do it..... ;) I will never forget the love that i' ve found in your 3 books..... I always read them..... Thank you.....
Kiss kiss

February 10, 2009 at 9:36 AM  
Blogger Taty said...

Paullina.... I'm looking forward to see The Bronze Horseman on theaters..... About
the screen play??? ;) Because i knew that you were writing it some months and after nothing.....
Kiss Kiss

February 10, 2009 at 9:40 AM  
Blogger Indiemy said...

Hello, what do you thing about The Bronze Horseman FILM? I suggest Kristen Dunst for Tatiana role...
Anyway, I love this trilogy!!! Fantastic!

An Italian fan

February 13, 2009 at 9:35 AM  
Blogger Taty said...

Hi Indiemy!!!!!!!! I' m Taty italian as you..... kIrsten dunst is pretty as Tania but I prefer others actress..... As Kristen Stewart, Jemina West, Clemence Poesy...... What do you think about them????? I think that a bronze horseman Film Would be fantastic!!!!!!!! What actors do you propose as Shura?????? ;)
Answ me as soon as possible
KIss kiss

February 13, 2009 at 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame to admit but it's the first time i've entered your official website and - to my wide smile ;) - i found something about my beloved ever couple Shura and Tania. The idea of making this phenomenal saga into the movie is outstanding as it speaks for itself (who could resist the charm of these two? i certainly couldn't and i did not -just after i read the description of their first meeting I automatically FELL IN LOVE and this love will last forever!). But coming back to the movie thing -i have my personal fears. Sometimes I think it's just too good to be filmed, that it's almost impossible to bring that AMAZING, BREATHTAKING story on the screen and not making it too brief, too blank, too.. i dunno. I'm scared that something could go wrong, the actors would be not believable, there would be many scenes skipped because of the production rules and stuff. And it's not entirely up to you -how the movie would look like, it's up to so many people who -i'm afraid -could possibly not get the story. I would be devasted because thanks to 'The Bronze Horseman' saga something really touched me there, inside, touched my heart. I love your work, you're just an amazing writer who makes poeple believe in real, immortal love. Since October 2008 I still have these very 'wow' feelings and I have a difficulty to read other books than yours. You're brilliant, thank you so much for Alexander and Tania. What would I do to meet the love of my life, the love at least in 50% that beautiful like the one Shura and Tania shared?

Paulina, Poland

February 15, 2009 at 6:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just finished reading Road To Paradise 2 says ago... I reviewed it on my blog if you wanna see :)

Capchacode: spopings - some of the snacks the girls ate on the road :P

February 24, 2009 at 10:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Paullina,
Please let us know who you'd like to play Alexander in a movie version of The Bronze Horseman.

Thanks :)

April 10, 2009 at 12:04 AM  
Blogger OneLuckyMummy said...

Hi Paullina,
I was given TBH as a gift years ago and have never looked back. I am also one of those who has been spoiled and find it difficult reading any other author. I am re-reading TBH series, currently in Vietnam with Moon Lai and Ant :)
Thanks for your amazing mind, attention to detail and for putting pen to paper. Don't rush TBH screenplay.
Am guessing you'd be well aware of Wikipedia a wonderful source of information on the internet.

April 21, 2009 at 8:46 AM  
Blogger OneLuckyMummy said...

Hi Paullina
Should have looked about a bit before posting the previous note.




April 21, 2009 at 8:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Paullina, love your books. Seems ages since Road to Paradise. They have pride of place on the bookshelf.
Grew up in Canberra, but we weren't skiers so only went to Jindabyne in the warmer months. The air is fresh, the alpine flowers are beautiful when the snow clears, and as Mt Kosiosko is nearby and the highest point in Australia, its lovely. The Great divide (-ing range) all along the east coast is at times a few hundred kilometres inland, and at times right to the coast. It marks a barrier before the 'outback', the much drier and flatter interior. It is rich in wildlife, forests and rainfall. And there are several other popular skiing places, more in Victoria as well.
You are likely to meet snakes anywhere in Australia, really. You get used to keeping watch for them if you're out and about, and leaving them room when you do see them. They are much rarer in the cities, but there are people you can call to come and catch them and take them away wherever you live. There are places where they are very plentiful, people have to seal up doorways etc to stop them coming inside, and going outside at certain times of the year they'll be on the verandahs and in the yards. Chooks need to be securely locked up at night. Carpet pythons like to get into roof spaces. They are harmless, but impressive and large.
Looking forward to the next book, apparently released here in Australia very soon! It is autumn (or fall) already!

April 24, 2009 at 8:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Paullina,

Just want to let you know that I love TBH trilogy. Tatiana has inspired me to be the wife i've always wanted to be to my husband who to me is my Shura.

I am really really looking forward to THE SCREENPLAY. You are such a gifted writer.

Can't wait to read your next blog.

Sydney, Australia

May 19, 2009 at 3:05 AM  
Blogger Bob Robotson's Adventures said...

Hi Paullina, I have all your books and always look forward to new ones coming. ironically i first saw road to paradise and bought in when i was on holiday in Australia staying with my Aunt in Broken Hill would you believe. The Bronze Horseman got me reading again. It is a great story that i have given to many friends to read. As a child i collected Mercer Meyer's little critter books and loved the reference you made to them in The series. I see that you are writing a screen play and there have been many discussions about casting it with my friends and i can never come up with a Tatiana and Alexander i always thought Josh Harnett although he is getting on a bit. However after seeing a lot of my other fav books being made into movies such as Harry Potters, Twilight, Da Vinci code to name a few i started to really hope that the Bronze Horseman would never make it to the big screen because it is such an emotional book and so many great books have been in terrible disappointing movies. Please don't let that happen to Tatiana and Alexander. love your books and cant wait for the next one. Julie Andersen New Zealand =)

June 12, 2009 at 5:22 AM  
Blogger EverydayRamblings365 said...

Hi Paulina, Your books are nothing but amazing! I have every single one of your books and am forever waiting for the next! Well done!!

As for Jindabyne, here is a snippet from the Internet:
Jindabyne (36°24′S 148°37′E / 36.4°S 148.617°E / -36.4; 148.617) is a town in south-east New South Wales, Australia that overlooks Lake Jindabyne near the Snowy Mountains, in Snowy River Shire. It is a popular holiday destination, especially in winter, due to its proximity to several ski resorts throughout the Kosciuszko National Park, including Thredbo and Perisher Blue. Both resorts are approximately 30 minutes drive into the park, although require the payment of park entry fees ($27 per vehicle per day[1]) and the compulsory carrying of tire chains in winter. However, Jindabyne also attracts tourists in summer with Lake Jindabyne popular for activities such as fishing, water skiing and wakeboarding.

It is one of the highest settlements of its size in Australia, at 918 metres above sea level[2]. Light snowfalls sometimes occur during winter. In mid-July in 2004 and 2005, snow fell up to half a metre following freak snowfalls over a large area of New South Wales. Originally situated on land that is now part of Lake Jindabyne, the township was transferred to its present location in the 1960s due to the damming of the Snowy River as part of the Snowy Mountains Scheme. The town is heavily tourist-oriented with a large range of snow-sport rental outlets and accommodation facilities - prices can be heavily increased during the peak winter season, although generally remain lower than outlets within the national park and ski resorts.

Jindabyne has been the setting (and shooting location) for two recent feature films, the multi AFI-winning Somersault in 2004 and Jindabyne in 2006.

Jindabyne is connected to the surrounding area by Kosciuszko Road, the Alpine Way and the Barry Way.

Jindabyne has a similar history to Adaminaby. The original town and its inhabitants were relocated in the 1960's when the Snowy River was dammed as part of the Snowy Mountains Scheme, with only a handful of houses being moved to their new location. The remains of the old town lie submerged under Lake Jindabyne and can occasionally be glimpsed when lake levels are low. For great views over the lake at any time head for the Waste Point Lookout on the Kosciuszko Road.

Modern Jindabyne is a year round holiday resort and is a very cosmopolitan place with its mix of new residents and pioneering families.

In winter Jindabyne is a base for skiers bound for the major resorts in Kosciuszko National Park and for the rest of the year it's a great place from which to go bushwalking, mountain biking, whitewater rafting and canoeing, horse riding and kayaking. The lake provides superb opportunities for trout fishing and water sports.

Another site of interest may be www.discoverjindabyne.com

Good luck with the this novel, cannot wait to have it in my hands! You are the best!

June 27, 2009 at 7:35 PM  
Blogger tasha said...

Kiaora Paullina
Your beautiful books have changed my life!do you plan to return to NZ anytime soon?i would love to meet you.
I am a 23yr old mother of two and am a huge supporter of homebirth and breastfeeding so I were suprised and delighted to read this in TSG,suprised because America has the highest birth intervention rate in the WORLD! so i cant help but think that you have veiws/experience in this?
Anyway you seem like such a real,raw and passionate woman and mother.
Please come to Nelson NZ:)
Thank you for your gifts.

August 15, 2009 at 5:24 AM  
Blogger Taty said...

hi paullina!!! ;) How are you??? i hope you will be fine.. ^O^
but i'm very curios about the bronze horseman's screenplay... 'cause a lot of people in the world are as curios as me to learn some news about it... =)
i hope that your books will be published in italy, on in italian... ;)
and i'm very glad to konow that you are writing you last novel... ;) i'm looking forward to read it... =)
bye bye kiss kiss Taty
ps. you sre the best writer in the world!!!!!!!!!!! =)

September 11, 2009 at 5:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Paullina, and fellow Bronze Horseman fans. I note that some are excited about a screenplay of our favourite characters Shura and Tatiana, and whilst I can't say with any degree of certainty that I wouldn't be even vaguely curious, I do believe this would be a mistake. Books are books and films are films - and I think we've all seen some of our favourite stories butchered by producers and editors. I won't mention the name of those films.

But, this story has touched so many. I think I need to repeat that. So many, Paullina. I am a what I would say is a "feeler" but it takes a lot to make me cry and take the pain of others as my own...espeically if fictional!

It's my view that it would be a mistake to make this into a film. So many people have fallen in love with these characters and cherised and envied their devotion to one another. I've never known a book with this power.

Of course, I'm a romantic but also a realist and know that this matters little to what the outcome will be. I just wish I were strong enough to have the resolve to NOT see the film but I am sure my curiosity will get the better of me.

If the film does go ahead, which I'm assuming it will considering you're working on the screenplay, but, my advice would be to not use your usual, well known actors. Please let the story remain fresh and use people that the viewer does not associate with previous roles. Though I know that would not necessarily be your call.

The Bronze Horseman was an oasis in my desert. I hadn't been that moved by a story in so long. I thank you for bringing it to my life though confess there were times I could not thinking about it and wish I had continued on in ignorant bliss...

Sorry for the long post. We would love to Hear from you again soon.


September 11, 2009 at 9:47 PM  
Blogger Rach said...

G'day Paullina,
I have just recently finished reading the Bronze Horseman and i can't tell you how much i loved it!
I find myself thinking about Alexander and Tatiana too often.. I am hanging out to read the Bridge to Holy Cross and in the meantime and coming up with my own happily ever after plots.
I live down in Oz and often head down to Jindabyne for snow boarding trips in the winter but don't think i would be much help..
I look forward to reading your future blogs! :)

October 16, 2009 at 9:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Paulina and her many fans,

I haven't read any of your books previously and I've just come across "A Song in the Daylight" and it sounds great. But before I start reading it I was wondering if your books should be read in some sort of sequence (as I intend reading them all !!!).

regards from Anna

December 12, 2009 at 7:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What a wonderful blog Paullina. I think I speak for all your readers, in particular the readers of The Bronze Horseman of how wonderful it is to have this interaction with you. You have entered all of our hearts.
I live in Sydney and have read many of your books. Having been born in Poland, we visit Jindabyne quite regularly to go skiing. No trip however is complete without stopping by Lake Jindabyne to take photos with the statue of Strzelecki, a Polish explorer who discovered the highest peak in Australia and named it after a famous Polish Patriot Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Maybe following in the footsteps of your previous novels which pay tribute to other famous statues might be warming to your readers.

Thank you for all your magical storytelling. My life was made so much more beautiful.


December 15, 2009 at 9:46 PM  
Blogger Jerry Brent said...

As for me, I believe Jindabyne is the best holiday destinations in Australia. It is a town in south-east of New South Wales. It overlooks Lake Jindabyne near the Snowy Mountains. It is a great place to ski hire with friends and family since it is one of the highest settlements of its size in Australia.

March 14, 2011 at 2:02 AM  

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